Ad Hoc Outreach Program for Artists in Need of Health Service. When we are not concerned with a Project Case, we are a community of artists, sharing our loves and obsessions, our mishaps and misdeeds in the name of Art. XOXO, Kisses + Revolution
Broken Artists' Health Funds was started in February 2009 to help out fellow artists in medical need. It is far too often that we sacrifice securities in pursuit of Art, and Broken Artists' Health Funds is an attempt to provide a source of security as well as an organized structure within which we can contribute to our friends, colleagues and loved ones in their time of need.
Please email us directly at for Project submissions. 100% (minus paypal fees) of donated funds go towards the medical expenses specified in the Project. You can contribute using the Donate button on this page. If you don't have a PayPal account, check out some other options under the Nuts + Bolts page.